Love it and oh, the possibilities. The first time I wore it, with my steam punk Halloween costume, I made a hat band and rosette and added a cameo (will write a post for that later).
Months later, I was invited to a steam punk tea party and thought I'd change my look a bit. I had purchased a necklace for a few dollars at Delia's when they were having a sale. With the lace and various items, I thought it looked steampunky. I ended up sewing an old looking key in a bare area.

I draped the necklace over the sheer black hat band but I worried it would sink down and not be visible. Looking through my collection of curious treasures, I found a single flowered shoe clip (its mate long gone) and a Gruen watch. Both were my grandmother's. I put the shoe clip on one side, and wrapped the watchband around the other side and those provided the lift the necklace needed to keep it from sinking down to the brim.

I simply fastened the necklace at the back of the hat.
Here's the look
I intend to write posts about how I put together this look.
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